Need to update your personal information? 以下是在博彩平台推荐更新个人资料的说明.

Changing your Address and Phone Number with 博彩平台推荐

There are a few ways to change your address with 博彩平台推荐. 请查看以下选项以确定哪个选项符合您的需求.

  1. Self Service Banner
    • Login to Student Self-Service and select the Personal Information Link. 
    • Click on the Personal Information box. This will direct you to your 'My Profile' page. 在这里,您可以查看、更新或添加文件中的新地址和电话号码.
    • 接下来,点击当前地址或电话号码下的编辑图标(铅笔)进行编辑. Enter your information and click 'Update' to save. 点击垃圾桶可以删除当前地址或电话号码. 点击+ Add New符号添加一个新的地址或电话号码.
  2. 如需更改毕业证书邮寄地址,请填写 Graduation Information Update Form.
  3. Address Change Application (PDF, 391K) (永久地址、通讯地址和紧急联系地址).

Legal Name Changes

Legal Name, Legal Sex, and SSN Change Form (PDF, 287K) is required to change your legal name with 博彩平台推荐. 除表格外,还必须提供有效的证明文件. 以下文件可用于支持合法更改名称:

  • Driver's License issued on or after 01/01/2008;
  • Current U.S. Passport;
  • 近期结婚证(一年内签发);
  • Social Security Card;
  • Divorce Decree; or
  • Court Order.

博彩平台推荐's Preferred First Name Option 

Many students, faculty, 由于各种个人或文化原因,员工会使用法定名字以外的名字. 为了更好地服务博彩平台推荐的校园社区,并与博彩平台推荐Strategic Priority of Placemaking, 博彩平台推荐创建了为学生添加首选名的选项, faculty, and staff to show in applicable University applications. 首选名仅限于字母字符、连字符(-)和空格. 如果申请人的首选名在性质上不合适,大学保留拒绝其申请的权利. 根据大学政策,使用虚假陈述或欺诈的首选名可能会受到纪律处分.

Students, Faculty, and Staff 可透过“主菜单-个人资料连结”下的自助服务横幅递交更改首选名字. This will direct you to your 'My Profile' page. Click on the Personal Information box to get started.  单击“个人详细信息”框右上角的编辑链接(顶部框). 一旦你输入了你的首选名,一定要点击“更新”来保存你的更改.

The Preferred First Name is visible 在Banner自助服务(Self-Service Banner)内更新首选名称后的24小时内,向下列系统查询:

  • 自助横幅-姓氏,法定名(首选名). 
  • DegreeWorks or Wolf Watch (Student Legal First and Preferred First Name will appear; Advisor Preferred First Name will appear).
  • Desire2Learn/CourseDen(首选名称将出现在Classlist中, the legal first name will not appear)
  • Ivanti Service Manager 
  • NextGen
  • Visual Zen
  • Handshake
  • Moodle


To update your Preferred First Name in systems that are not integrated with Self-Service Banner, please follow the directions below:

  • StarRez
    • Housing & 在申请过程中,居住生活收集学生首选的名字.
    • 如果您没有在申请阶段输入首选名称, you can login to your StarRez web portal and update. Please contact Housing & Residence Life for assistance. 
  • GMAIL:要在GMAIL中更新您的名称偏好,请遵循以下步骤:
    • Open GMAIL
    • In the top right, click Settings, then see all settings.
    • Click the Accounts and Import or Accounts Tab
    • Under "Send mail as," click Edit info.
    • Enter the name you want to show when you send messages.
    • Save.
  • 谷歌帐户:更新您的名字偏好在您的谷歌帐户.
    • 在您的帐户或图标下,选择管理您的谷歌帐户.
    • Select personal info on the lefthand column
    • Select Name, Edit, then Save.
  • Zoom Account: To update your name preference in Zoom
    • 登录到Zoom,导航到设置,选择“个人资料”,然后选择“编辑我的个人资料”。
    • Click the 'Edit' button to the right of your name
    • 编辑“显示名称”文件,以包括您希望在Zoom会议期间显示的内容.
    • Click Save at the bottom of the section.
  • Adobe: To update your name preference in Adobe
    • Login to your Adobe Account
    • 点击右上角的你的名字,然后点击管理账户
    • Click Edit under Account and change your name. Save.
  • OneUSG: To update your name preference in OneUSG
    • Login to your OneUSG Connect Account
    • Click on the "Personal Details" box.
    • Click on the "Name" tab in the left sidebar.
    • Click on your name and edit the preferred name box. Save.
  • 校园EMS(保留区西部):当学生员工请求访问时, 员工将填写表格并输入所需的姓名. If individual students wish to reserve space, 他们将填写一份智能表格,并代表他们完成预订. SmartSheet字段名允许您输入您的首选名称.


尚未提供首选名称功能的系统包括, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Bank Mobile
  • Alma Library Patron
  • EAB Navigate
  • LibGuides
  • Qualtrics
  • WEPA Printing

您的法定名字将保持不变,并在所有其他大学相关系统中显示. The official academic record, the transcript, financial aid documents, diplomas, and paychecks must carry the legal name. 


Legal Sex Changes

要正式更改您与博彩平台推荐的法定性别,请提交 Legal Name, Legal Sex, and SSN Change Form (PDF, 287K) and appropriate documentation. 以下文件可用于支持合法的性别变更:法院命令, Driver's License, 其他反映所要求的法定性别的政府官方文件.

Gender Identification

Students, Faculty, 及职员可透过“主菜单-个人资料连结”下的自助服务横幅提交性别证明. This will direct you to your 'My Profile' page. Click on the Personal Information box to get started. 单击“个人详细信息”框右上角的编辑链接(顶部框). 一旦您从下拉菜单中选择了您的性别标识, be sure to click on 'Update' to save your changes. 目前,班纳不允许在班级花名册上显示性别身份. 请在学期开始前将这些信息告知你的老师,因为它不会出现在班级花名册上. 

Personal Pronouns

Students, Faculty, 及职员可透过“主菜单-个人资料连结”下的自助服务横幅提交首选的人称代词. This will direct you to your 'My Profile' page. Click on the Personal Information box to get started. 单击“个人详细信息”框右上角的编辑链接(顶部框). 从下拉菜单中选择人称代词之后, be sure to click on 'Update' to save your changes. 目前,班纳不允许在班级花名册上显示性别身份. 请在学期开始前将这些信息告知你的老师,因为它不会出现在班级花名册上. 

Preferred Email Address

博彩平台推荐的电子邮件地址将被设置为您的首选电子邮件地址. 您可以输入备用电子邮件地址,但对于博彩平台推荐的官方通信,请使用您的 email address will be utilized.


Update your Emergency Contact, Ethnicity & Race, Veteran Classification, 通过学生自助服务在主菜单-个人信息菜单下查询残疾状况. This will direct you to your 'My Profile' page.

要更新您的社会安全号码,请提交 Legal Name, Legal Sex, and SSN Change Form (PDF, 287K) and appropriate documentation.

Please visit 博彩平台推荐's General Counsel FERPA Webpage for a brief overview of FERPA, 博彩平台推荐's directory information list, and Disclosure information and forms.